"Welcome to this safe space for healing from within and without. Let´s activate your own healing power." - Anna

Discover the power of healing. I invite you to embark on a journey of self-discovery. Our refined selection of products and master sessions are curated with deep knowledge and old wisdom, to help you find tranquility in this chaotic world. We guide you on your path to peace, love and vitality. When you balance the areas of your life that are out of alignment, both inside and outside, miracles will happen. But remember, it is you and your inner self that is the gateway to everything. The way out is in.

Energy Healing

Reiki Healing

Reiki is a safe, loving and kind holistic healing practice originating from Japan. The word "Reiki" translates to "universal life energy" in Japanese. The practitioner's hands channel universal energy to promoting healing, stress-release, relaxation, and overall well-being.

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Crystal Healing

Crystals have been used for various purposes throughout history. Crystals contain and emit loving and healing energy. Different crystals are associated with specific energies, and using them is thought to help balance and align the body's energy fields. All crystals sent from us are cleaned and charged with healing Reiki power.

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Chakra & Aura Healing

The purpose of chakra balancing and aura healing is to support a balanced flow to sustain your overall level of energy. Everyday life brings multiple sources of stress and demands that result in fluctuations in your energy level and influence on how we feel and manage our energy day to day. The aura is an extension of the physical body and when storing it acts as a protective shield. If its damaged it can leve the person drained unwell and feeling disconnected.

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Yin Yoga & Chinese Medicine

Yin yoga is a slow-paced yoga where poses are held for an extended period. It targets connective tissues and promotes flexibility, and mindfulness for benefits of the autoimune parasympathic system for deep relaxation and restoration. It’s foundation lays in Tao and Traditional Chinese Medicine. TCM is based on the concept of balancing vital energy (Qi) and the opposing forces of Yin and Yang within the body to maintain health. It views the body as an interconnected system, emphasizing prevention and harmony to achieve well-being.

Heal your home

Feng Shui

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese practice that focuses on harmonizing individuals with their environment to promote balance, well-being, and positive energy flow. While feng shui is deeply rooted in Chinese philosophy and culture, its principles have gained popularity worldwide. Feng shui is used to enhance the energy flow in homes or workplaces, aiming for greater harmony, balance, and positive life experiences.

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Qigong Healing

Qigong is a Chinese practice that combines movement, meditation, and breath regulation to enhance the flow of Qi (life force energy) in the body. It's been around for centuries and is believed to promote health, spirituality, and martial arts training. Healing Qigong help you with immune system support, harmonize emotions and relieve stress and worry, help with sleep and resolve sleep disturbances.

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Animal Reiki

Reiki is a wonderful way to connect with animals of all sorts. Reiki can give them comfort, reduce stress or pain and help them to relax. Animals have a more natural way of connecting with energy since they already are attuned to the flow.

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Anna is a Reiki Master & Teacher in the classical Usui Reiki Tradition. Anna works with energy healing and energy medicine to return the body and mind to natural healing, harmony and balance. She is also a Crystal Reiki Master and Animal Reiki Master. She is certified in chakra and aura clearing and balancing. Anna is a long time Qigong practitioner and have specialized in Qigong Healing. She is a certified Feng Shui consultant and thus works with healing and balancing the internal imbalances as well as the external energies in our environment. She is a member of Swedish Reiki Association and International Feng Shui Association.